BAXTER Taught-In Activity

Take a look at how well our robot BAXTER is coming along. This is the very first demo of our new Baxter robot using taught-in trajectories to manipulate some objects. Not much state-of-the-art science in this one, but a feasibility study of what’s possible with off-the-shelf components.   Let us know what you think in the…

Mobile robots could help the elderly live fuller lives

Mobile service robots developed by computer scientists at the University of Lincoln could soon be helping elderly people stay independent and active for longer. A new international project will test the ability of robots to support our ageing populations by assisting residents of care homes in three European countries. ENRICHME (ENabling Robot and assisted living…

Users in focus – Creating service robots for and with people

Dr Astrid Weiss from Technical University Vienna, will be presenting in the SoCS research seminar. Her work is at the crossroads of robotics, computer science, Human Computer Interaction, and social sciences; investigating robotic applications in public space, elderly care and factory settings. This is a research seminar open to attendees across the university, in particular…

Robots attend Europe’s largest tech conference

3D-printed robots from the University of Lincoln, UK, have taken their first overseas trip to attend Europe’s largest annual technology event in Dublin. Web Summit, which runs from 4th to 6th November 2014, has been called ‘the best technology conference on the planet’. MARC (Multi-Actuated Robotic Companion) and TAMMIE (Technologically Advanced Multi-Modal Interactive Entity), two…

Eye Resonator Project to be shown at the International Kinetica Art Fair

An interactive piece of art created by Dr John Shearer from the School of Computer Science and Dr Brigitta Zics Deputy Head of Postgraduate Studies in Ravensbourne, will be displayed at the International Kinetica Art Fair, a platform for new media art works and kinetic installations. Eye Resonator is an interactive art ecosystem that reacts…

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