Date: Monday 18th Jan, 2016, 3:00-4:00pm.
Speaker: Dr Farshad Arvin, University of Manchester, UK
Venue: MC0025
Title: LATRO: a Hydraulically Actuated Spider Robot
Abstract: An ongoing challenge across any decommissioning site is access to unstructured areas. This is particularly acute on the Sellafield and Fukushima sites where there are a number of facilities with debris on the ground which restricts the use of either traditional wheeled vehicles or people in air-fed suits. To overcome this problem, the University of Manchester, in collaboration with Forth Engineering Ltd., is developing a 1.5 m wide hydraulically actuated robot spider which will be able to walk over obstacles and conduct both characterisation and retrieval operations. The vehicle will have a payload of over 50 kg and will have two actuators on the front (hydraulic cutters and grippers) which will be used to conduct in-situ retrievals. A characterisation suite will include Lidars, stereoscopic cameras and radiological sensors.
All are welcome.