The School of Computer Science has won the the Lincoln Student Union ‘School of the Year’ award, and was selected from a shortlist of Schools across the University of Lincoln.
College Officers and School Reps deliberated over which of the many deserving Schools should receive the award and decided on Computer Science!

Quotes and feedback from nominees illustrate why the School achieved this award:
“…there is a good sense of team between all of the Reps, and they work well with staff in the School to achieve things for students. They have developed good ways of raising issues and having them resolved in a timely manner.”
“This nomination is mostly due to our phenomenal School Representative, who always goes out of his way to do things for others, whether that’s organising social events or organising meetings with academic teachers to ensure that the course is being taught in the best possible way.”
“Many of the issues raised by students have been dealt with incredibly quickly and the overall atmosphere of the school is overwhelmingly positive!”
“This is due to the fact that we have an amazing School Rep who goes above and beyond to help the Course Reps in any way that he can. We also worked incredibly hard as a team to get everyone involved in the module evaluation which have just taken place where the participation response had risen by 1.73% more than last year, which is a good improvement for the school.”
“I would like to nominate the School of Computer Science for school of the month. This is due to the fact that we have an amazing School Rep who goes above and beyond to help the course reps in any way that he can. We also worked incredibly hard as a team to get everyone involved in the module evaluation which have just taken place where the participation response had risen by 1.73% more than last year, which is a good improvement for the school.”
“Reps in the school are always enthusiastic and solution focused – which is fantastic to see. They have effective subject committee and have developed informal routes for raising feedback along with staff.”
Find out more about the School of Computer Science or get in touch on Facebook or Twitter.