Robots that learn from experience

Specialist robots will learn how to act intelligently in real-world environments, supporting security guards or care home assistants, in a multi-million Euro project. The aim of the research is to create mobile robots that are able to operate intelligently and independently, based on an understanding of 3D space and how this space changes over time,…

‘Computing at School’ Hub meeting

The School of Computer Science held its third CAS (Computing at School) Hub meeting on the 3 July 2013. The turn out was good with 6 schools represented. Debate was energetic and members engaged in  topics related to: Preparing to teach Computing. Mapping  examining body assessment to curriculum. Sue Sutton the curriculum advisor from the…

European conference on computing technologies

A European society aimed at bridging the gap between academic and industry-based computer simulation and modelling research is to hold a conference in Lincoln. The Euromedia/Fubutec/ECEC conference, which is organised by Eurosis (The European Multidisciplinary Society for Modelling and Simulation Technology), will take place at the University of Lincoln from 10-11 June. Chaired by Dr…

Robots could lend a helping hand

With a rapidly ageing population, the number of people with dementia and other age-related disabilities is expected to soar by 20501. Coupled with warnings about future shortages of health workers and doctors2, it’s clear other options need to be found. The concept of applying findings from different technological areas to assist people in their daily…

Research Presentation by Prof Ales Leonardis on Wed 29/05, 4pm

Prof Ales Leonardis (University of Birmingham) is presenting his research on “Combining compositional shape hierarchy and multi-class object taxonomy for efficient object categorisation”  in a joint Psychology and Computer Science seminar on Wed, 29th May at 4pm (in room MC1001). All students and staff are invited. Here the abstract of Ales’ presentation: Visual categorisation has…

Computer Science hosts visiting Professor from India

Professor Atul Donsai visited the University of Lincoln sponsored by UKIERI: The UK-India Education and Research Initiative. Professor Atul lectures in Computer Science at Saurashtra University, Rajkot, India Professor Atul used the visit as an opportunity to progress a number of collaborative research initiatives and to help build a stronger partnership between the University of Lincoln and Universities…

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