Lincoln researchers develop disabled-friendly interactive games

University of Lincoln researchers have been working on interactive games to be more disabled-friendly. School of Computer Science lecturer Dr Kathrin Gerling and Dr Adam Evans from Health Advancement Research Team (HART) have been creating computer games that allow young people with disabilities to use powered technology to interact on screen. Dr Kathrin Gerling and Dr Adam Evans from Health Advancement…

Postdoc to give a talk at a world-leading AI lab in America

A School of Computer Science STRANDS postdoc has been invited to give a presentation at a world-leading Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab in the USA. Dr Tomas Krajnik, in L-CAS will give a talk next week at MIT: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in Cambridge, USA on ‘FreMEn: Frequency Map Enhancement for Long-Term Autonomy of Mobile Robots’.…

Digital technology and autism: collusion or communication

Bringing together the School of Computer Science and the School of Psychology Seminar on a seminar on ‘Digital worlds and autism: collusion or communication?’ The talk given by Dr Sarah Parsons (Southampton Education School, University of Southampton) will take place today at 4 – 5pm, Co-op Lecture Theatre, Minerva Building. Refreshments from 3.45pm. We look forward to seeing you…

SoCS Research Seminar 12/2/16 2pm MB1020: From Autonomous Robots to Autonomous Cars

Frederic Siepmann, a development specialist at BMW R&D will present in our School of Computer Science research seminar series on 12/02/16 at 2pm. His talk will take place in seminar room MB1020 (1st floor Minerva Building). Frederic will share his journey from being an academic working on autonomous robots to eventually become a developer in car autonomy and…

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