Visit to BBC enjoyed by all

A party of students travelled to the new BBC Media City in Salford last week to discover latest trends in software development at the BBC. Topics included NOSQL (“Not only SQL”) databases and HTTPShark (real-time management and analysis of website traffic).

Second Year Web Tech student Josh Leafe said “the visit to Media City UK was a real eye-opener to some of the vast opportunities available out there. The BBC Developers Conference itself was really inspirational and I would love the opportunity to be able to attend such events in the future.”

Final year Computer  Scientist Cameron Mackenzie said “In my opinion, I believed the BBC trip to be extremely successful in sharing expert knowledge about particular computing subjects from databases to software used for reviewing and analysing network traffic, as well as going to even show their proven business processes and what has made them successful such as the presentation from Adrian Cockcroft (Netflix). I would believe this and others like these outings to be beneficial for those involved in any facet of the computing industry.”

The students were the first to respond to an offer of a number of free tickets that the BBC made available to the School of Computer Science.

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